This is more for my own benefit, but other may find it useful too.

Listing images

It can be useful to know what images are on your system, docker image ls is your friend here, and will produce output like this:

REPOSITORY          TAG                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
aspnetapp           latest               c57a36e90398        2 minutes ago       264MB
<none>              <none>               8fe537899022        3 minutes ago       1.84GB
microsoft/dotnet    sdk                  ea6f66a1e7b7        16 hours ago        1.73GB
microsoft/dotnet    aspnetcore-runtime   41db56126a6d        16 hours ago        260MB

Listing running containers

Likewise it is good to know which containers are actually running. docker container ls -a will show you a list of running containers with output like this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
01184955588d        aspnetapp           "dotnet Blog.Applica…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>80/tcp   myapp

Stopping and removing a running container

To stop a container use docker container stop <container id>. So to stop the container above we issue the command docker container stop 01184955588d. However you aren’t yet done.

The container must be removed using docker container rm <container id>. So to remove the container we use docker container rm 01184955588d.

Removing an old image

Finally to clean up an image that is no longer needed we can use docker image rm <repository name>, so getting rid of the image we’ve been using we execute docker container rm aspnetapp.